History in the making

Established technologies

Since first developed and deployed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the 1970’s, the performance of sulfur binders in road construction has been validated and reported by numerous Federal Highway Administration joint studies and leading researchers over the past four decades across 29 different states and every US climatic zone and road type.


Our breakthrough

Energy and carbon impact

What makes our sulfur based organic polymer binder technology so transformative versus cement, bitumen and other modified sulfur binders used for manufacturing concrete and asphalt is its patented binding properties; the ability to be stored, transported and applied without external heating that significantly reduces energy input and carbon impact throughout the life cycle process.


A revolutionary binder product

Sustainable construction

Made from readily available organic industrial and agricultural by-products, our unique binding properties also allow the repurposing of millions of tons of toxic municipal waste such as plastics to safely produce stronger and more climate resilient concrete and asphalt.


Decarbonized transportation infrastructure

The potential for change

The size of the US road and construction market is around $150 billion annually. This market maintains and extends 2.7 million miles of paved roads in the USA, enough to circle the planet over 100 times using over 400 million tons of carbon intensive asphalt materials every year.